I Love Orks

I made this small diorama in 2012 because I really like the concept of the unbended hunter embodied through Markus Wulfhart. After days of hunting he is now very close to his victim. The footprint next to the small cascade is very fresh. He sees the movements in the trees far away and picks up a single ultimate Arrow. The scavenger waits patiently, because he knows that lunchtime is coming soon. The title of the diorama gives an indication about who or what the victim is.

This Diorama was the occasion for me to make some experiences with single leaves on the treetop and with waterfalls.

The stone face on the base is a Scibor miniature 

Markus Wulfhart and the vulture are both Games Workshop miniatures

The pictures have been taken by Laura Brechtel Fotografie. Thanks to her!

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